NEW YORK — Edelman, which for years has been under fire for its work with Big Oil, has renewed its global partnership with Shell, PRovoke Media has learned.

“We can confirm that, following a competitive tender process, Edelman has been reappointed as global provider of public relations services to Shell,” a Shell spokesperson said.

Edelman had not returned request for comment when this story went live. The account is one of Edelman's biggest, estimated in the eight-figure range. 

With the reappointment, Edelman continues a decade-plus relationship with Shell, which has made the firm a primary target of climate activists calling on the PR industry to drop fossil fuel clients.

The effort has been led by Clean Creatives, a PR and ad industry advocacy group, which has waged a hard-fought battle to get agencies to sever ties with fossil fuel companies. During the 2022 Climate Week, Clean Creatives plastered parts of lower Manhattan with posters calling on agencies — most notably Edelman — to drop their fossil fuel clients.